Activate Your Spirit-Man By the Holy Spirit

The line of demarcation between the natural and the Supernatural is the greatest stumbling block to the manifestation of the destiny which God has prepared for many believers. Everything that God does is first executed in the Spirit which is the God-realm.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ”

Ephesians 1:3

Until the consciousness of your spirit aligns with that realm, the workings of God will seem oblivious to you. There is a clear difference between being born of the Spirit and living in the Spirit. Every believer is born of the Spirit but very few are consciously walking in the reality of their Go-Identity in the Spirit.

My distinct assignment to the Body of Christ is the activation of the consciousness of the Supernatural Person, Presence, and Power of God in each believer. If you are not well aligned to the frequency and rhythm of the Spirit, there will be a disconnect between what God is doing in His realm and the things you are experiencing in the earth realm in your life. God will not condescend to the limited realm of the natural again. He did that once when He took the form of a man in Jesus. Now He seeks to lift us up by the power of His Spirit into His realm of limitless possibilities and miracles so that the sons of men might become the sons of God.

For you to experience the fullness of the God-life, you need to experience a trajectory by revelation – becoming fully aware of the God-realm and living actively in that realm. Say with me, “I, (Put your name here) ‘am shifting my consciousness from the natural realm to the Supernatural realm of God. I am experiencing a new reality – the reality of the life in the Spirit in the Name of Jesus Christ”.


Think of an eagle trying to swim in the deep blue sea – it is already out of its natural element and would drown. All that glory of the majestic flight that’s embedded in the DNA of the eagle gets useless when it steps out of its natural habitat. As a New Creature in Christ, the Supernatural is your natural element – It’s not about activities, it’s about positioning and frequency.

“And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” – Ephesians 2:6

The New Creation Experience Indwells Your Spirit Man with the Holy Spirit.

At the point of salvation, sins are forgiven and our relationship with God as Father begins, however another amazing thing that happened at salvation is the activation of your Spirit-Man.

“And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins”

Let me explain; you are essentially a spirit being. (Job 32:8)There is a clear distinction between the spirit of man and the Spirit of God. Proverbs 20:27) The Spirit of God inhabits the human spirit. The spirit in you is a unique being by itself and is inactive and alienated from the life-source of God due to the fallen state of man. This spirit gets reconnected with the Spirit of God at the point of salvation.

Say with me, “The Spirit of God indwells my Spirit”

This is what gives access and empowerment to the believer to operate in the God-realm as a God-being. Because God is Spirit, we can only navigate His realm in the element of the Spirit. (John 4:24) This revelation is not often taught in the Body of Christ today and so many believers are not walking in the consciousness of the Spirit.

Say with me, “I am a Spirit-Being, I am a God-Being. I am not a mere man. I engage the indwelling Person and Presence of the Holy Spirit Who empowers me to live in the supernatural in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

Impartation of the Holy Spirit Activates your Spirit.

It is not sufficient to be filled only with the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit. You have to advance to the next level which is the activation experience through impartation.

“When Paul placed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came on them, and they spoke in tongues and prophesied”

Acts 19:6

The first experience of the Holy Spirit, when He indwells your Spirit at conversion is “The Spirit Within” The second experience with the Holy Spirit, when He activates your Spirit and baptizes in fire, is “The Spirit Upon” The Spirit Within is for sonship and redemption while the Spirit Upon is for activation and empowerment for miracles, signs, and wonders. God wants you to go beyond the first level and take you to the deeper realms of God where you will manifest Kingdom Power and authority.

The Holy Spirit Releases Unique Gifts and Capabilities into your spirit-Man

“All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines”.

1 Corinthians 12:11

The spirit of man is like a computer operating system; it will only interpret the unique programs or applications that are installed on it. If you install music and video apps, it will release the capability to play or stream videos. If you install games and music it will function in that capacity. When your spirit gets filled and activated with the Holy Spirit, your spirit-man begins to function according to the specific downloads and installations which the Holy Spirit has released into you. All the nine gifts of the Spirit and the manifold blessings which the Father releases into our lives come through the channel of our Spirit-man. Many believers began to notice the expression of gifts and blessings that were not present before they got activated manifested in their lives. All of heaven’s resources are released to the believer’s life through His Spirit.

Say with me, “ I receive the download of all the gifts of the Spirits and the full capacity and blessings of the Kingdom of God into my life in the Name of Jesus Christ”

The Senses of your spirit-man need to be developed through Revelation and the Anointing.

The senses of your spirit-man is configured to function according to the unique downloads of the Spirit you are given and functioning in. Those gifts must be developed by the Word of God, prayer, and constant use. You must be taught the Word on the protocol of the Spirit, how to function in your gift and develop the senses of your spirit-man. If you have the gift of prophecy, you will mature in that gift and capacity of the Holy Spirit when you use the gift frequently. Say with me, “The senses of my spirit-man and the capabilities of my gifts are sharpened and matured to function in their full capacity in Jesus Christ Name”

Apostle Bible Davids

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3 thoughts on “Activate Your Spirit-Man By the Holy Spirit”

  1. LAWRENCE Preston


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