The coming year 2022 carries the prophetic burden as the YEAR OF YOUR LIFE. God will unveil the mystery of His will for your life. It is a year of the distinct manifestation of God in each believer’s life. Your unique covenant walk with God will be brought to open display. It’s a year specially designed for the people who carry the Presence and fire of God’s Spirit in the earth realm.
In the New Year, the next level of your life will open up and supernatural alignment of time, place, opportunity, resources and potential will produce God’s purpose and possibilities in a way you’ve never experienced before. Year 2022 is the year of your life. It will be a major turnaround year and the manifestation of the Takeover Generation.
It’s the year of personal reward of sacrifices and commitment to God. Those who have been praying, seeking God in truth and in Spirit will experience phenomenal outpouring of long awaited promises.
“Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.
Malachi 3:1
Year 2022 will favour those who know their God and are consciously walking with Him. Those who are born of God will have amazing opportunities to shine and reveal God unhinged. Events will occur that will magnify the Name of Jesus Christ in the earth realm and ignite a new wave of attraction towards the Gospel especially on social media. God is set to break barriers and use young people that yield themselves to His glory.
2022 will welcome you to your destiny and the next level of the capacity of the will of God for your life. It will be the year that will draw the line of demarcation between your past and your future. 2022 is the year of practical engagement of destiny. No more mere words; just talking about what God will do in you and through you, it is now the season to do what He has called you to do and to manifest major results. Eagles will soar in 2022 and chickens will continue to pick things from the floor.
No one who is taking God seriously will go through the year on a low key – it is the year of your life. Technology will continue to drive the frontline preaching of the Gospel and grassroots revival will be ignited across the world. This surge of revival will overrun spiritual complacency and apathy that seem prevalent post COVID -19.
Those who are willing to take big leaps of faith will take the lead and those who would rather settle will follow. The New Year will usher in a new era of distinction between the lion and the lamb – between producers and consumers – between miracle workers and miracle seekers.

“Those who will win, will win big and those who are indifferent will loose big. There will be no middle ground in 2022 .”
In 2022, the world will burn. There will be a spiritual fire of revival that will sweep across the length and breath of the world. In the natural world, there will be such heat in the climate that will make a world record. Politically, there will be unrest in many parts of the world. The year is represented by the symbol of Fire and the Eagle. The world will adjust itself to a new God-Order that will be enforced by a Kingdom Takeover Generation. Many who were considered insignificant will suddenly emerge out of the shadows and take positions of prominence on the global stage.
Empowered by the Spirit, a new movement of Spirit filled believers will be stirred to engage mega kingdom assignments both online and onsite and the resources that are required will be supernaturally provided. Massive harvest of souls will take place especially among the youths. The authentic message of the Kingdom will be restored to the Body of Christ. Mediocre low thinkers and lukewarm believers will only receive leftover blessings except they make a drastic change. A major world leader will pass away and it will shake the world a great deal.
Look out for signs in the element as heat and forest fire spreads across the world. Longer summer and shorter winter will characterize the year 2022.
“The powers of the heavens will be shaken ‘ Matthew 24:29
Do not be alarmed when you begin to see shakings in the heavens and the very forces of nature begin to cringe. These are signs of the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and they will become more evident as we get closer to the end. The travailing of nature itself will bear evidence to two things; firstly the manifestation of the sons of God and the soon return of Jesus Christ to rapture the saints. We will see more signs of the coming of the King of kings in the year 2022 “2022 is the year of the future and the hallmark of major shift in technology and medical science that will reshape the world as we know it”
A major monarch will pass on and this event will shake the world and challenge one of the oldest monarchical institutions. America is on a prophetic agenda with God in the year 2022. The whole Nation will be torn into more disparity as the battle between the forces of light and darkness heighten for the very soul of America. In the middle of the year, there will be agitations and chaos caused by the underlying factors of race and economic divisions which has polarized America for centuries. Many troubling revelations will hit the political landscape of the United States of America. The world will stand still and observe as the powers that be shake and the Nations tremble in 2022.
The politicians on the Capitol Hill will battle ferociously, capitalism against socialism. America will be tested to the highest level in the year 2022 but the will of God will stand. An idol of the people, a female artist will pass on. Her death will shock the world and make headlines because she would have died without reaching full old age.
How To Get Ready
The number one factor to success in the year is to put God first and lay the foundation of your life on that truth, then build on it using the following building blocks;

- Be Conscious Of The Higher Purpose Of God For Your Life
Consciousness means to become aware of something. Wake up to the purpose and essence of your being. Do not live your life to impress others or live in the mundane.
- Escape Yourself
You need to embrace the mentality of a problem solver. If your life centers around you, it does not increase in value. conceitedness is a thief of seasons and time.
- Do Not Resist Change
The world as we used to know it has changed forever. New world realities are now dictated by technology. You have to imbibe these relevant skills to succeed.
- Start Making Sacrifices
Do not eat up your future by subscribing to instant gratification. The people that will execute destiny will make sacrifices at the beginning. Navigate by commitment and not by convenience.
- People Shift – Be Comfortable With People Leaving And Coming
People are carriers of energy and essence. Be intentional about the people in your life and the purpose they serve. Don’t be afraid to let the wrong people go and the right ones stay.
- Make Life Altering Decisions
Achievers win by making solid decisions that will alter their reality. Not to decide in itself is deciding to fail. Empower your destiny through the force of winning decisions.
- Unleash The Power Of A Mentor
When God wants to bless you, He puts someone in your life who has been where you want to go. In 2022, connect with a higher authority and receive mentorship.
- Change Your Language
Speak the language of your future. Do not repeat the vocabulary of your past. Call forth your next level. There is power in the spoken words, use it to your advantage.