This charge and admonition I commit in trust to you, Timothy my son, in accordance with prophetic intimations which I formerly received concerning you, so that inspired and aided by them you may wage the good warfare (1 Timothy 1:18). Your destiny is not an illusion, neither is it an occurrence of coincidence; it is rather a grand design. There are three dimensions of the Destiny of man. They are Orchestration, Revelation and Manifestation. If you want to fulfill your Divine Destiny, you need to understand its dynamics.

Apostle Bible Davids

The first phase of your Divine Destiny is called Orchestration. This is where it all began; right in the Mind of God in eternity before you were even conceived in your mother’s womb. (Jeremiah 1:3, Exodus 33:12, Isaiah 49:1, 5, Rom 8:29). Every star in the galaxy, every blade of grass in the open fields, every drop in the vast ocean; the entire formations of Heaven and Earth with all their majestic splendor and glory are all crafted by the very hands of the Almighty Father. Yet at the very center of all this magnificent creation, God placed man to be the crown of all His works (Ref Psalm 8:3-4). That’s not all, with the vast population of humans on the earth with diverse races, colors and ethnicity; God has branded each and every one of us with a unique destiny.

Apostle Bible Davids

Destiny is like a fingerprint, it is what makes you different. Your Destiny is you, your assignment, and your purpose; it is orchestrated in heaven from the infinite wisdom of God (Jeremiah 29:11). You cannot create your own Destiny, you can only discover it. In today’s world, there are throngs of people who do not have a clue of what their Destiny is and so they end up being the right person in the wrong place, doing the wrong thing and then they end up with little or no tangible result. Entangled in the cycle of frustration, such people soon give up in utter failure; another colorful destiny goes down the drain. I believe that the greatest loss on earth is for a man to die without fulfilling his destiny. This brings us to the second dimension of your Destiny which is called Revelation.

Destiny is like a miracle seed planted in the womb of your Spirit or a treasure buried underneath the Earth’s surface.

Apostle Bible Davids
Apostle Bible Davids

Generations before had walked upon the same grounds and fished from the same rivers where oil was eventually discovered. These people continued to grapple in abject poverty while right under their nose there was immense wealth that had the potential to change the course of their lives forever. Even in recent times, the Nation of Ghana just discovered an inexhaustible amount of oil. Imagine the level of development that could have happened in that Nation if they had discovered the oil some fifty years ago. The oil had always been there, waiting to be discovered and tapped, but nobody knew it was there. Similarly, there are infinite possibilities locked up in every man crying to come out and write our names upon the sand of time, but we do not even know anything about these tremendous potentials and resources, we are oblivious of Destiny. The reality of your Destiny can come to you in a thousand and one way; as a voice coming out of the inconsumable burning bush like Moses, or as a Word of Prophecy like Timothy and Samson, or as a weird thought of the need to save a people from oppression like Nelson Mandela, or as a dream in the night like Joseph, or as a passionate desire to start a new initiative, a business or solve a problem like ….or the discovery of an unusual skill like the Sports, Music, Writing, Acting and many others. No matter what it is and whatsoever form in which it comes, it is all wrapped up in one Word; Revelation. 

Apostle Bible Davids

This revelation is like a surge of light which breaks through the gross darkness of ignorance and ignominy. It is like a key, a password or a formula which unlocks the real you and releases your potentials bringing you to a world of endless possibilities. I received my Revelation on April 5, 1989 when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me in a glorious form and revealed to me what I was made for; to be an apostle to the Nations of the earth. It was the day I came in touch with the reality of my Divine Destiny. You might not have a celestial revelation like I did, but please before you make your next move; you need to receive a definite revelation of your Divine Destiny. My friend, this is not an option, you cannot continue to meander on the highways of life. Life is too precious and short to gamble with. Destiny is calling you. 

From the point of Revelation, we move to the last dimension of the dynamics of Divine Destiny which is called Manifestation. This is the point where the world will see and appreciate the grandeur splendor of man’s Destiny. Of course, moving your Destiny from the point of Revelation to Manifestation is not an overnight journey. As Nelson Mandela said, it is indeed a long walk to freedom. If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably leads nowhere. The pathway to Destiny is decorated with thorns and thistles to keep you fit for the laurel. There would be many giants to fight, many hurdles to jump. At every level, there is a devil. Destiny is not a fairytale, it is not fantasy; Destiny is Warfare. You can have a real Revelation of your Destiny and not come to the point of Manifestation if you do not understand the language of warfare which is Violence.

The Lord Jesus Christ who is the epitome of Destiny once said, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it”.

John 11:12 NIV
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This is the line of demarcation between those who hear and see the fruits of the land and those who actually taste it. Every good thing that you will enjoy in this life comes with a price. There is always an opposition to every lofty position that you seek to occupy. For you to receive the manifestation of your Destiny, you must develop a thick skin and become resolute by the grace of God not to allow anything or anybody to stop you from being whom God made you to be. I dare you to develop a warrior’s mentality and March on to the frontlines of the battle of life, taking up every challenge as a fighter and not as a failure. This is your moment of victory, these are the days of your life and you must make them count. It is easier to pass by the way of the majority and stay indifferent in life, but you must opt for the hard way; to fight your battles, to regain lost grounds and to silence the giants who are threatening your life. You need not withdraw today only to rise and fight on another day. Can you hear a sound calling your name? The sound of destiny beckons at you. It calls you to break off from mediocrity and walk through the path of excellence. Will you answer this call?

Apostle Bible Davids

From our main scripture, we see how Paul the first century church apostle challenged Timothy his protégé and son in the ministry not to have a laid back attitude concerning his Destiny but to develop a warrior’s mentality and to fight hard for the fulfillment of the prophecies which was spoken in advance concerning his life. It is possible to receive a prophecy of great accomplishments from the Lord and not fulfill the prophecy if we do not contend for the promise. A prophecy does not fulfill itself; it is birthed in the place of prayers and rigorous pursuit. Prophecy is the promise of the change, it is not the change. Prophecy is like the blueprint of Destiny, it is not the accomplishment of Destiny. There is work to be done to push through from Prophecy to Destiny. If a word of prophecy is spoken concerning you, please do not sit back and expect the prophecy to fulfill itself. Contend for your promise. 

This ministry is committed to providing you with seasoned Revelations from God’s Word which guarantees your victory in this fierce battle towards the manifestation of Destiny. As you receive the Word from time to time, please do something with it. Faith without works is dead. As we round off today’s revelation, I leave you with a timeless quote; ‘’I Choose Not To Be A Common Man’’ by Theodore Roosevelt, a former President of the United States, a man of Destiny. 

“I choose not to be a common man. Me, it’s my right to be uncommon. I’ll seek opportunity, not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk, to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I’ll refuse to live from hand to mouth. I’ll prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence, the thrill of fulfillment to the stale calm of Utopia. I will never cower before any master nor bend to any friend. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud and unafraid, to think and act for myself and face the world boldly and say. This I have done for myself”; [ by the grace of God ] (Theodore Roosevelt; Apostle Bible Davids).


The Word: Jeremiah 1:5 Before I formed thee in the womb I knew [and) appointed you (as my chosen instrument), and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; (and) I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. Amplified 

The Prayer:

According to the Word of God in Jeremiah 1:5, I am God’s chosen and elect. My purpose and Destiny in this life has been preordained by God. I am not here by chance or by accident. I am on a mission. God knows about me, He fashioned my life and ordered my days. According to John 15 1-2, I understand that Jesus Christ is the Vine and I am a branch of the Vine. II receive my lifestream from the infinite source of Christ that flows from the rivers of living springs. I can never run dry because according to Colossians 1:27, Christ in me is the hope of glory. So my life shall bring glory to God in the Name of eternal King of Glory Jesus Christ. 

The Word: Psalm 57:8 Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early (KJV ).

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee (KJV). 

The Prayer:

According to the Word of God. I summon the glory and potentials which God has deposited inside me to awake in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. I release myself from the shackles of limitations and failures. I declare that my life shall manifest its glory on time. My destiny shall not operate behind its divine schedule in the mighty Name of the resurrected Christ. I will arise and shine and the world will see the manifestation of my glory in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ. According to the Word of God in Psalm 57:8 which quotes that ‘’Awake up, my glory; awake, psaltery and harp: I myself will awake early’’. and in Job 29:20, it is written that ‘’My glory was fresh in me, and my bow was renewed in my hand’’. Therefore, by the injunction of these two scriptures, I understand that there is a glory that is already deposited in me by God, so I release the glory of my creation to manifest in the Name of eternal King Jesus Christ Who lives in the eternities.

Apostle Bible Davids
Apostle Bible Davids

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