
Prophetic Word for 2018 Ten Times More


Wisdom is the ability to discern the difference. There is definitely something different and amazing about this season and we need to unravel this prophetic blueprint of God for the hour and strategically position ourselves for what God is about to release in the earth realm.

What distinguished certain men of Issachar in 1 Chronicle 12:32 was their understanding of times and seasons and the wisdom to know how to tap into the God realm. For a while I had started to feel the nudge from the Spirit of God about this next prophetic agenda, I positioned myself n the mountaintop and spent many hours in prayers. The Lord spoke to me about specific things that will unravel in 2018 and I will share them with you to the extent that I am allowed by the Lord.


The LORD thunders at the head of his army; his forces are beyond number, and mighty is the army that obeys his command. The day of the LORD is great; it is dreadful. Who can endure it? Joel 2: 11

Prophetic wordIn 2018 the Lord will sweep through the Church as the refiner’s fire. He will pour a fresh wave of His Spirit on the remnant army and they will manifest unusual glory of heaven in the earth realm and walk in a divine dominion that will eclipse everything the world thought they knew about the Power of God’s Kingdom. This remnant army of the Lord is not necessarily people who hold gigantic titles in the Church but God is raising everyday people whose heart are sold out to Him and who are empowered by His Spirit to walk in the Supernatural and perform creative miracles that will bring down a Luciferian system that has crept into the church with lying prophecies and false miracles and exploiting God’s people. More than ever, young people will be empowered by God’s Spirit and they will become agents of change in many spectrums of society.

It is time to seek the Lord and commit to holiness, the Word, and a life of prayer on a daily basis so that we do not miss this mighty manifestation of the Supernatural power of God.


Prophetic wordIn 2018, the Lord specifically told me that His people will experience overwhelming increases and multiplications in not less than ten folds and some will even experience more. The Kingdom of God will advance forcefully this year in dimensions that the world had never seen before. There will be surplus and abundance and we will bear fruits beyond measures. Churches and ministries that are seeking the advancement of God’s righteous cause will experience unprecedented explosions. God will send resources and will open doors and cause the saints to access capital seed that will enhance the spread of the Gospel all over the world.

If your sincere interest is to spread God’s Word and finance the Gospel around the world, then get ready for the fertilizing effect of God’s increase on your seed. The harvest that is coming on your career, business, and finances will be epic.


In 2018, the international community will be thrown into turmoil and restlessness and there will be many rifts among major superpowers that will escalate into some sanctions, etc but God will keep the world from plunging into chaos and war. Many big corporations will suffer major setbacks and many stock markets around the world will shake.

Do not put your trust in the arm of the flesh such as the stock market of man-made diplomacy. It will be stretched to its barest limits in 2018. Pray for world leaders and policymakers that they will only operate in God’s wisdom and will make the right decisions.

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