Release God’s Purpose and Power in Prophetic Prayer

You Can Pray and Get Results

God wants you to be victorious in prayer. You should not have an attitude of uncertainty in prayer. In Isaiah 45:19, the Bible says,

I have not spoken in secret, from somewhere in a land of darkness; I have not said to Jacob’s descendants, ‘Seek me in vain.’ I, the LORD, speak the truth; I declare what is right.

The reason why prayers seem unanswered and visions delayed for many believers is that they are praying for things that negates God’s will for their lives. Effective prayer is more than an emotional outburst or a desperate cry for help; it is a spiritual strategic exercise that must be approached with godly understanding. When you unravel this dimension of revelation, you will receive tangible answers to all your prayers’ every single one of them because you will no longer pray amiss.

James 4:3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

Pray in Harmony With God’s Will

The Lord has not abandoned you, He wants to bless you beyond measures, He desires that the eyes of your understanding be enlightened so that you will not be praying out of line with heaven’s eternal purpose. There is no isolated pur

pose with God; all His counsel is interwoven and all things are working together for one ultimate purpose. So, a prophetic understanding of His will for your life is the most important tool of effective prayers.

Prayer is the gateway by which we bring to the earth realm what has already been established in the heavenly places. I love the way Jesus puts it in Matthew 6:10 “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”.

We don’t create our own agenda in prayer, but we establish God’s will as orchestrated in heaven to be manifested on earth. God has already preordained the order of your world, your health, your finances, and all things that concern your well-being. In prayer, you legislate this eternal grand design of God for you.

Many saints are praying out of context; they are praying what I call “The Gentiles Prayers”. In Matthew 6: 31-33

“So, don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.

Stop Praying the Gentile’s Prayer

If you listen closely to the content of many believer’s prayers. It is not different from the prayers of the unsaved world. They pray for food, clothes, cars, houses, marriage partners, jobs etc. Jesus said; these things dominate the thoughts and desires of unbelievers. As Christians, we have been redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb and have been given all things in Jesus.

His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue. 1 Pet 1:3

You have all things embedded in Jesus. When you make Jesus Christ the center of your life and you seek Him with all your heart, there will be a release of blessings and increase that are in Christ in your material world. It is a futile effort for a believer to abandon chase the mundane things of life and abandon the quest for the Lord. Jesus said; when you seek the Kingdom above all else, and walk in God’s righteousness, then God will step in and start adding up all the physical blessings.

If we use all the energy that we exert to chase for earthly things and worry all day about our future to seek God and connect with His Divine for our lives in prayers, there will be a total turnaround and supernatural intervention in every situation. God has laid the Master Key of the Kingdom on your shoulder. He has given you Jesus Christ and all things are in Him. You lack nothing!

Release Everyday Victory

Would you this day commit to consciously seeking the Lord and aligning your heart with His will for your life? The enemy will try to focus your eyes and desires of the things around you. You cannot allow the circumstances around you concerning your family, finances or future to saturate your heart. Set your affection on the Lord and don’t take your eyes away from His glory and watch Him turn things around. He will show you the way and lead you into strategic relationships and give you the wisdom you need to handle the complex issues of your life. Just trust Him.

The walk of faith is not a hundred meters race, it’s like a marathon. You need to run with patience and with the end in focus. Short everyday experience with Jesus is more empowering than long occasional encounters. The Lord is waiting for you daily in your prayer closet, especially in the morning hours. He wants to strengthen you ahead of the ills of the day. He desires to reveal to you His purpose for each day and hold your hands so that together you can work it out. That is how you go from victory to victory – one day at a time with Jesus. Change the rule of engagement in prayer; do not rattle or prattle; do not allow the circumstances of this world to blindfold you. Stand strong in Jesus Christ, stand strong in the will of God. Open your mouth and declare in the earth realm; Father let your will be done in my life as it is done in heaven. Peace.

Confession of Faith

Make the following Confessions, Say;

Lord I know that you have created me for glory, you have called me to prosper. I know that you have provided all things for me in Christ. I have allowed my eyes to drift away from You and focused on my circumstances; for this I confess dear Lord, that I am sorry and obtain your mercy and grace. Today, I declare that my eyes are opened to see Your glory. I make you my eternal Desire, I seek to know you above all else. I align myself with Your will for my life and declare that there will be a performance of Your purpose in me.

Let every contrary purpose of the enemy be terminated as I raise the standard of God’s will over all adverse circumstances in my life today. I ascend into the heavenly places and call forth the good things that be not to appear in my life. I declare the eternal blessings of God on my life, my family, finances, my church, my city, and my nation in the Name of the resurrected Jesus Christ. I stand in agreement with the eternal order of the Almighty God and declare that I refuse to wallow in shame and defeat. I raise my head above the waters and invoke angelic assistance concerning the issues of my life. I claim victory, prosperity, favor, influence, affluence, the salvation of my family, and revival in my church. I declare, Lord let Your will be done in my life today in Jesus Name.

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